DsCont Golden SaaS


DsCont is a tool that meets the demands of this new digital era. In accounting, it emphasizes increasing productivity and saving time ; it continues to be a fast, reliable, powerful and easy-to-use tool. It complies with the versatility of changes in the Accounting Plan, the reporting formats established by SUNAT and, mainly, generates the mandatory Electronic Books . coconara shisha charcoal

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The  “New Knowledge Era” is characterized by the intensive use of information technologies in the work procedures of accounting professionals: the use of the Internet to file declarations (ELECTRONIC BOOKS), interaction with external information systems such as AFPNet, the replacement of paper by electronic files as a means of recording accounting books, electronic invoicing are examples of these changes.

DS_CONT, a tool that meets the demands of this new digital era in accounting, emphasizes  increasing productivity  and  saving time ; it continues to be a fast, reliable, powerful and easy-to-use tool. It complies with the versatility of changes in the accounting plan, the reporting formats established by SUNAT and mainly, generates the  mandatory Electronic Books .

It was designed to keep the accounts of:

  • Trading companies.
  • Industrial companies.
  • Service companies.


The DS-CONT GOLDEN has been redesigned using cutting-edge technology and with the aim of enhancing three basic aspects:

  • High Productivity.
  • Reliability and Safety.
  • Ease of use.


  • Do the same job  in less than half the time you currently spend. 
  • It processes accounting quickly, optimizing the accountant’s time significantly.

For this purpose, DS-CONT offers several mechanisms:

  • Definition of models or templates of entries (Standard entries) to enter documents that have the same characteristics or have the same behavior.
  • Automatic entries (e.g.: Automatic execution of destination entries).
  • Simultaneous entry of entries with minimal typing (e.g.: the commitment and cancellation of a cash sale).
  • Using special keys (Examples: Automatically balance entries, Replicate detail rows, tell the system to propose consecutive entry and document numbers).
  • Importing data from spreadsheets (e.g. Excel), optimizing typing time.

If the information is entered into spreadsheets, it can be imported quickly and easily into DS_CONT GOLDEN, without depending on predefined formats.

The importer has been designed so that, for example, if the sales record is entered in Excel, approximately 1000 rows (Settlements), these can be imported from DS-CONT GOLDEN in less than 30 seconds.

It also has importers of ACCOUNTING PLAN, Moorings, Analytical Accounts (RUC).

  • Electronic Invoice Importer

If the company issues electronic invoices and has its files in XML extension, the system will be able to interpret the file from a folder and import the information automatically and in groups of invoices without having to re-digitize them.

  • Integration with other computer systems (purchases, sales, cash register, etc.)

If the other computer systems have mechanisms that can export the information to spreadsheets, then the integration process can be carried out using the import tool described above.

  • Suggests accounting models for hotel companies, commercial companies and cost accounting:  So that a suggested chart of accounts is already configured, as well as a model or templates of entries or typical operations already defined for the corresponding item .



  • DS_CONT GOLDEN  has been redesigned with the features of the simplest, most intuitive and modern packages such as Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) and touch menus like Windows 8.


  • It allows the Accounting Plan designed by the accountant to be recorded, adapting to any type of organization, whether private or public.
  • It allows the Chart of Accounts to be reclassified. In this way, it is possible to obtain financial statements, for example, of the SMV type – Superintendency of the Securities Market (CONASEV).
  • The Accountant can define the subsidiary books he needs.
  • Reports can be designed according to the requirements of the user and the organization.


  • It allows the accounting of multiple companies (N) and multiple branches (N) in each company.
  • Allows for Cost Accounting: We offer reports in accordance with SUNAT requirements, format 10.3 “COST RECORD – ANNUAL VALUED PRODUCTION COST STATEMENT” and format 10.2 “COST RECORD – MONTHLY COST ELEMENTS”.
  • New reports by Cost Center: Trial balance, movement of balances by cost center.
  • Allows you to import EXCHANGE RATES from the SUNAT website in bulk.
  • It allows you to consult your RUC online with SUNAT so that you can know the ability or inability of a taxpayer.
  • Mass RUC checker, which will allow you to know the status of the companies with which your organization interacts, before registering them in the accounting processes. It will also allow you to massively import these RUCs to the DSCONT, making it easier for you to only register correct information in the different accounting processes.
  • Automatically consolidate financial statements from multiple branches.
  • The data from the subsidiary ledgers are automatically centralized in the Journal. In this way, it is possible to obtain the financial statements without having to resort to a bulk accounting process.
  • Automatically creates entries by destination and by nature, definable by the user.
  • It has a built-in card system to control accounts receivable (customers), accounts payable (suppliers), staff accounts, etc.
  • It issues the worksheet for proper analysis and has an inconsistency report that will identify the errors committed.
  • Prints Cash Book and Accounting Notes (For other books).
  • It is a powerful data analysis tool that allows you to analyze your data from different perspectives (accounts, references, cost centers, books, periods, etc.) and with different criteria, preparing for audit processes and allowing you to obtain any report necessary for the accountant or businessman, avoiding limitations in the software and/or dependency on the supplier.
  • Inventory and Balance Report in a flexible, simple and configurable environment – ​​DevExpress: Thanks to this technology, our inventory and balance books will be displayed in an electronic spreadsheet (Excel), and this will allow the accountant to manage their information, configure and work flexibly according to their broad needs.
  • It allows you to generate closing and opening entries automatically, considering the accounts at a detailed level.
  • Data entry in the current digital age.  If you already have the XML files of the electronic payment vouchers for sales and purchases, the DSCONT will interpret them, allowing you to then register them in the software through the import process, thus avoiding the tedious and slow typing process, minimizing the data entry process to a matter of minutes.


Main Reports

  • Basic reports (Purchase and Sales Records, Cash Book, Auxiliary Books, General Journal, General Ledger, Trial Balance (PDT), Work Sheet).
  • Financial statements (Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Cash Flow under the direct method) in a flexible, configurable and automatic environment.
  • Balances to the Balance Sheet accounts.
  • Analysis Reports (Account Analysis, Reference Analysis, Standard Auxiliary, Master Files; for example, issuing the Chart of Accounts, References, etc.).
  • Analysis of Counteraccounts.
  • Book formats according to SUNAT, DAOT export and SIMPLIFIED DIARY.
  • Reports in Foreign Currency.

E-Books 5.2:

  • Purchase Record Form 8.1.
  • Format 8.2. Information on Transactions with Non-Domiciled Persons.
  • Format 8.3. Simplified Purchase Registry.
  • Format 14.1 Sales Record.
  • Format 14.2. Simplified Sales Record.
  • Format 5.1 Journal.
  • Format 5.2. Simplified Daily Book.
  • Format 5.3. Daily Chart of Accounts.
  • Format 5.4 Simplified Journal Chart of Accounts.
  • Format 6.1 General Ledger.
  • Recording and controlling statuses 8 and 9 for the year’s accounting.
  • Inventory and Balance Book Detail of account balances: 10,12,14,16,19,20,30,34,41,42,46,37,50 and detail of the balance of account 50.


  • Validates the data entered; only stores balanced entries.
  • Validates RUCs, additionally allowing you to compare supplier or customer data online as it directly accesses the SUNAT page to obtain the data and validate it.
  • The software makes use of the SQL SERVER database manager, a solid and reliable corporate software that large corporations use in their systems, which guarantees the consistency and stability of their data.


  • The information in the Database can be exported to spreadsheets, so that the user can structure any type of report and satisfy any information need through the data analyzer.
  • It allows the portability of the software to different machines, that is, the software can be installed on several machines and the generation and restoration of backup copies will allow it to work on the machine that the user requires.
  • Simple, flexible and powerful bank reconciliation module: This module allows you to have the information you need on a timely basis, whether monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually. This will help detect inconsistencies in time for account control.
  • Decision-making management tool (DASHBOARD) Purchase and sales control panels with the ability to generate automatic graphic reports and/or design customized reports.
  • Online, web-based or off-site reporting: Through the web, you can view reports (general ledger, worksheet, and management reports) in business presentations.
  • Reports on mobile devices (Purchases, Sales, Bank Cash, Worksheet, Tax Liquidator.
  • MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF DIGITAL DOCUMENTS,  as required by SUNAT, in accordance with the digital era that accounting and our society are entering; through the use of electronic filing software . Software that allows storing, validating and managing electronic documents generated and/or received by the company.
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Personal SAAS

– Licencia para una sola máquina
– Máquina adicional tiene un costo de 30%

Profesional SAAS

– Licencia hasta para 4 máquinas
Contiene los siguientes módulos y características adicionales:

• Permite el registro de Documentos o Recibo por Honorarios
• Genera los asientos en la contabilidad.
• En caso de tener registrado en compras permite transferir la información.
• Genera los archivos de declaración de 4TA categoría al PLAME.
• Genera el archivo de declaración a AFP NET.
• Genera reporte y certificado de 4TA categoría

• Genera los archivos al PDT de percepciones para el agente y el sujeto.
• Genera los archivos al PDT de detracciones para el agente y el sujeto.
• Genera los archivos al PDT de retenciones para el agente y el sujeto.
• Módulo de Liquidador de Impuestos mensual que permite al contador saber cuánto tiene que pagar mensualmente, (Mejorado)
• Módulo de pago de detracciones masivo.(profesional)
• Módulo de adiciones y deducciones. (profesional)
• Módulo de adiciones y deducciones detallado, nuevas opciones y potencialidad para filtros del reporte (NUEVO) (profesional)

• Genera el archivo de declaración de PDB en compras
• Genera el archivo de declaración de PDB en ventas.

• Permite registrar datos generales del personal haciendo consulta en línea a la SBS y a ES SALUD.
• Es flexible en los tipos de planillas, donde el usuario puede definir:
• Cuántas columnas va a tener la planilla y a que conceptos se va asociar cada columna.
• La fórmula con la que se va a calcular cada concepto.
• Cálculo de los diferentes tipos de planilla mensual, entre las que se considera planillas de gratificación.
• Genera planillas por proyectos, por sucursales.
• Considera descuentos judiciales.
• Exportación de jornales y remuneraciones al PDT y al PLAME.
• Exportación a AFPNET con los nuevos cambios adicionados el 15/08/2015 (nuevo).
• Boletas de pago.
• Registra la información automática al Subsistema de contabilidad.
• Calculo de Quinta categoría.
• Calculo de CTS
• Documento de Liquidación.

• Permite controlar uno o varios almacenes.
• Es posible obtener información por cada almacén.
• Registra la relación de artículos que se encuentran en almacén, permitiendo agruparlos por familias y cuentas contables.
• Registra todos los INGRESOS y SALIDAS de artículos en almacén.
• Registra los asientos de movimientos directamente en el sistema contable.
• Emite el kárdex contable y el kárdex de existencias.
• Permite exportar datos a Excel.

• Permite registrar los Activo.
• Calcula la depreciación del activo.
• Permite revaluación de activos fijos.
• Permite dar de baja o retirar activos.
• Genera los asientos automáticos a la contabilidad.
• Genera reportes en formato 7.1 y 7.2 de SUNAT.

Empresarial SAAS

– Software en red para 2 terminales y 1 servidor.
– Puede trabajar en servidores remotos. Se requiere IP Fija.

Además contiene los siguientes módulos y funcionalidades:

• Permite el registro de Documentos o Recibo por Honorarios
• Genera los asientos en la contabilidad.
• En caso de tener registrado en compras permite transferir la información.
• Genera los archivos de declaración de 4TA categoría al PLAME.
• Genera el archivo de declaración a AFP NET.
• Genera reporte y certificado de 4TA categoría

• Genera los archivos al PDT de percepciones para el agente y el sujeto.
• Genera los archivos al PDT de detracciones para el agente y el sujeto.
• Genera los archivos al PDT de retenciones para el agente y el sujeto.
• Módulo de Liquidador de Impuestos mensual que permite al contador saber cuánto tiene que pagar mensualmente, (Mejorado)
• Módulo de pago de detracciones masivo.(profesional)
• Módulo de adiciones y deducciones. (profesional)
• Módulo de adiciones y deducciones detallado, nuevas opciones y potencialidad para filtros del reporte (NUEVO) (profesional)

• Genera el archivo de declaración de PDB en compras
• Genera el archivo de declaración de PDB en ventas.

• Permite registrar datos generales del personal haciendo consulta en línea a la SBS y a ES SALUD.
• Es flexible en los tipos de planillas, donde el usuario puede definir:
• Cuántas columnas va a tener la planilla y a que conceptos se va asociar cada columna.
• La fórmula con la que se va a calcular cada concepto.
• Cálculo de los diferentes tipos de planilla mensual, entre las que se considera planillas de gratificación.
• Genera planillas por proyectos, por sucursales.
• Considera descuentos judiciales.
• Exportación de jornales y remuneraciones al PDT y al PLAME.
• Exportación a AFPNET con los nuevos cambios adicionados el 15/08/2015 (nuevo).
• Boletas de pago.
• Registra la información automática al Subsistema de contabilidad.
• Calculo de Quinta categoría.
• Calculo de CTS
• Documento de Liquidación.

• Permite controlar uno o varios almacenes.
• Es posible obtener información por cada almacén.
• Registra la relación de artículos que se encuentran en almacén, permitiendo agruparlos por familias y cuentas contables.
• Registra todos los INGRESOS y SALIDAS de artículos en almacén.
• Registra los asientos de movimientos directamente en el sistema contable.
• Emite el kárdex contable y el kárdex de existencias.
• Permite exportar datos a Excel.

• Permite registrar los Activo.
• Calcula la depreciación del activo.
• Permite revaluación de activos fijos.
• Permite dar de baja o retirar activos.
• Genera los asientos automáticos a la contabilidad.
• Genera reportes en formato 7.1 y 7.2 de SUNAT.

Team 2 Usuarios SAAS

– Solo para 2 Terminales por Año

Profesional Lite SAAS

– Solo una pc por Año

Usuario adicional (SAAS)

– Team Usuario Adicional por Año


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